Galina Stefaniuk

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I was born on the 26th of May in 1971 in the village Harasymiv of Tlumach district in Ivano-Frankivsk region. I went to the Harasymivsk school during 1986-1990. After that I studied in V. Kasian Kosiv Folk Crafts College and in the 1994-1999 I was a student of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University.

I started my work at the Department of Historiography and Sources of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University in 2002. And from July 1, 2020 – at the Department of Slavic Hisstory.

 I defended my thesis “School in Western Ukraine during the German occupation (1941-1944)” on October 10, 2004 and on February 9, 2005 by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine I was awarded the academic degree of the candidate of historical sciences, specialty of “History of Ukraine”. On December 22, 2006 by the decision of the certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine I was awarded the rank of associate professor.

I am engaged in the research of actual problems of history of World War II, the Eastern Galician society during the war in 1939-1945 and the study of the cultural processes in Western Ukraine in 1941-1944.

On October 16,until December 3, 2019, she completed the courses for improvement of professional performance on “History of World War II: Methodology and Source Studies” at the Department of History of Ukraine at the Institute of History of Ukraine, NAS of Ukraine.

Jury member of the 1st (city-wide) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition-defense of research works of students-members of the Ukrainian Small Academy of Sciences in 2023-2024. (Order dated November 20, 2023 No. 674. Competition – January 12, 2024).

The Ivano-Frankivsk City Council Department of Education and Science acknowledgment certificate for the organization and conduct of I (city-wide) stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of research works of students and members of the Ukrainian Small Academy of Sciences in 2023-2024. (order No. 46  01/22/2024).

A member of the editorial board during the preparation of the Collection of documents and materials. Kalush district during the German occupation in 1941–1944. Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2024. 334 p.

Certificate “Most Influential New Specializations and Research Areas in 2023”, January 25, 2024.

Certificate “World of magazines: the good, the bad and the predatory”, February 8, 2024.

At the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, namely in the specialty 032 History and Archeology, she teaches the disciplines “Source Studies and Archival Studies”, “Historical Geography”, “Sources of History of Ukraine”, “Theory and Methods of Scientific Research”, as well as special courses on the “Ethnopolitical Processes in Western Ukraine during the Second World War: Sources and Historiography”. In the specialty 014 Secondary Education (History) she teaches the disciplines “Source Studies and Archival Studies”, “Historical Geography in History Classes at the Secondary School”, “Sources of History of Ukraine at School Education”, “Theory and Methods of Scientific Research and basics of academic writing” and “Scientific seminar”.

Scientific works candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of Central and Eastern Europe history and special branches of historical science Department Galina Vasylivna Stefaniuk

Publications in collective monographs

  1. Stefaniuk G.V. The social paradigm of Ukrainian schooling in Galicia during the German occupation (1941-1944). Archives of occupation. 1941 – 1944 / Archives State Committee of Ukraine; Compiled by N. Makovska. K.: Ed. house “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, 2006. P. 811 – 817.
  2. Kucher V., Stefaniuk G.V. The occupation regime in the district “Halychyna”. Ukraine in the Second World War: a view from the 21st century. K.: Naukova Dumka, 2011. P. 392–412.
  3. Stanislaviv – Stanislav – Ivano-Frankivsk (to the 350th anniversary of Ivano-Frankivsk). Ivano-Frankivsk – Lviv – Kyiv: Manuscript-Lviv, 2012. 584 p.


  1. Svorak S.D., Stefaniuk G.V. The educational policy of the Nazi regime in Galicia (1941–1944). Precarpathian University Bulletin. History. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2001. Vol. IV – V. P. 107 – 114.
  2. Stefanyuk G.V. Public education of Galicia under the conditions of the occupation regime (1941–1944). Ukraine and Poland in the 20th century: problems and prospects of mutual relations. Collection of scientific papers. Kyiv-Krakow, 2002. P. 182-186.
  3. Stefaniuk G.V. The question of the protection of the national school in the activities of the UGCC during the Second World War. Christianity in Ukraine on the verge of the third millennium. Ivano-Frankivsk: Plai, 2002. P. 383-388.
  4. Stefaniuk G.V. Political actions of the OUN at the beginning of the Soviet-German war. Ukraine between the past and the future: Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference. K.: National Academy of Internal Affairs in Ukraine Publishing House , 2002. P. 232-235.
  5. Stefanyuk G.V. The Ukrainian school in the political plans of the German occupation administration in 1941–1944. Man and politics. No. 2 (20). Kyiv-Kharkiv-Lviv-Donetsk, 2002. P. 19-28.
  6. Stefaniuk G.V. German educational policy in Ukraine (1941–1944) in historiography. CARPATICA – Carpatica. Ukraine at the turn of the century: current problems of history, ethnology and political science. Vol. 26. Uzhhorod: Uzhhorod National University Publishing House , 2003. P. 97-108.
  7. Stefaniuk G.V. The Ukrainian public in the struggle for national education and culture in 1941–1944 (based on materials from the western regions of Ukraine). Precarpathian University Bulletin History. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2003. Vol. VII. P. 31 – 43.
  8. Stefaniuk G.V. Cultural and educational activities of the OUN during the Second World War. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army is a phenomenon of national history: Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference. Ivano-Frankivsk: Plai, 2003. P. 85-89.
  9. Stefaniuk G.V. Cultural and educational activities of the OUN during the Second World War. Local historian of Precarpathia. No. 1. 2003. P. 61-63.
  10. Stefaniuk G.V. Ukrainian teachers in Western Ukraine during the German “new order” period (1941–1944). Uzhhorod University Scientific Bulletin. History. Vol. 10. Uzhhorod: Visnyk Karpat, 2004. P. 60-67.
  11. Stefaniuk G.V. Ukrainian teachers in Western Ukraine during the German “new order” period (1941–1944). East (analytical and information journal). No. 4 (62). Donetsk, 2004. P. 60-63.
  12. Stefaniuk G.V. Peculiarities of the German educational policy in the General Province and the Reichskommissariat of Ukraine during the Second World War (1941-1944). Cathedral Ukraine: Collection of scientific articles. K., 2005. Vol. 2. Part II. P. 364 – 371.
  13. Stefaniuk G.V. The national liberation movement in the Kolomyia region during the Second World War. Kolomyia old and new: urban civilization in history and culture. Materials of the regional scientific and theoretical conference dedicated to the 600th anniversary of the Magdeburg law granting to Kolomyia. Kolomyia: Vik, 2005. P. 91-100.
  14. Stefaniuk G.V. Social and material situation of educators of Western Ukraine in 1941-1944. Pages of the military history of Ukraine. Collection of scientific articles. Vol. 9. Part 3. K., 2005. P. 70-78.
  15. In the service of historical science (To the 50th anniversary of Professor Oleksandr Lysenko birthday). Halychyna: a scientific cultural and educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2005. No. 11. P.327-328.
  16. Stefaniuk G.V. School youth of Western Ukraine in the context of ideological influences during the Nazi occupation (1941-1944). Pages of history. Vol. 23. K.: “Polytechnic”, 2006. P. 181-190.
  17. Stefaniuk G.V. The Ukrainian question in the context of German Eastern policy (1941-1944). East. Analytical and informative journal. No. 1 (73). 2006. P. 63 – 66.
  18. Stefaniuk G.V. A social factor in the cultural and educational life of Galicia and Volhynia during the Nazi “new order” period (1941-1944). Pages of military history of Ukraine. K.: History of Ukraine Institute, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 2006. Vol. 10. Part 1. P. 468 – 476.
  19. Stefaniuk G.V. Education as a factor of national culture in the program principles of the OUN(B) during the Second World War. Precarpathian National University Bulletin. History. Vol. X – XI. 2006. P. 46 – 55.
  20. Stefaniuk G.V. Relations of the Ukrainian national movement with German political factors during the years of occupation. East. Analytical and informative journal. No. 6 (84). 2007. P. 61 – 66.
  21. Stefaniuk G.V. Program principles and activities of the OUN(B) regarding the development of the Ukrainian school during the Nazi “new order” period (1941–1944). Halychyna: a scientific and cultural and educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2008. No. 14. Part 1–2. P. 242–248.
  22. Stefaniuk G.V. The policy of the Nazi occupation authorities regarding the Eastern Galician society in 1941–1944). Pages of military history of Ukraine. Vol. 12. K.: History Institute of Ukraine at the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, 2009. P. 169 – 176.
  23. Stefaniuk G.V. The act of restoration of Ukrainian statehood on June 30, 1941: prerequisites, course, consequences. Halychyna: a scientific and cultural and educational local history magazine. Vol. 15-16. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2009. P. 327–332.
  24. Stefaniuk G.V. Ukrainian schooling in the Stanislav region during the Nazi “new order” period (1941 – 1944)). Precarpathian National University Bulletin . History. Vol. XV. 2009. pp. 25-32.
  25. Stefaniuk G.V. Implementation of the occupation policy by the Nazi authorities in Galicia in 1941–1944. Cherkasy University Bulletin. Historical sciences series. Cherkasy, 2011. P. 86–105.
  26. Stefaniuk G.V. National and patriotic education of Ukrainian youth during the Second World War. Problems of integration of scientific, educational, intellectual potential in the statebuilding process: Ukraine – Turkey. – Seventh International Symposium May 29-31, 2009. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. P. 349–357.
  27. Stefaniuk G.V. Eastern Galician society in the context of the Nazi occupation authorities’ social and economic policy in Ukraine in 1941–1944. Ukraine in the Second World War: sources and interpretations (to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory). Materials of the international scientific conference. K., 2011. P. 504–511.
  28. Stefaniuk G.V. Social aspects of the independence movement of the OUN(B) during the Second World War. The Ukrainian national liberation movement of the 20th century: ideological, political, organizational and military aspects (to the 95th anniversary of the Second Winter Campaign, the 70th anniversary of the OUN infantry groups and the 70th anniversary of the Olev Republic. Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, (Zhytomyr, 18- November 20, 2011. Zhytomyr: Ruta, 2011. P. 99–106.
  1. Stefaniuk G.V. Sources for the study of the Eastern Galician society everyday life during the Second World War. Precarpathian University Bulletin. History. Vol. 20. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2011. P. 174–180.
  2. Stefaniuk G.V. Labor deportations of Eastern Galicia and Volyn population to Germany (1941–1944). Volhynia and Volhynians in the Second World War: a collection of scientific works (based on the materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the events of the Second World War on the territory of the Volyn region). Lutsk: Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2012. P. 502–506.
  3. Stefaniuk G.V. The “government-society” format in the “Halychyna” district (1941–1944). Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. Vol. 20–21. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2012. P. 298–303.
  4. Stefaniuk G.V. The German occupation administration measures in the sphere of the Eastern Galician society employment in 1941–1944. Precarpathian University Bulletin . History. Vol. 23. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. – pp. 106–111.
  5. Stefaniuk G.V. Periodicals of 1941–1944 as a source for studying the socio-legal situation of the Galician population under the Nazi occupation conditions. Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. No. 22–23. P. 551–557.
  6. Stefaniuk G.V. The social paradigm of the OUN (B) activity during the Second World War. Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. No. 24. P. 84–89.
  7. Stefaniuk G.V., Savitskyi R.P. Eastern Galician society in the national liberation movement context of 1941–1944 in domestic sources. Halychyna: a scientific and cultural and educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2013. No. 24. P. 265–272.
  8. Stefaniuk G.V. The teachers’ social situation in Galicia during the Nazi “new order” years. Intelligentsia and power: materials of the Sixth All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference (Odesa, May, 20–23, 2014). Odesa: Astroprint, 2014. P. 233–235.
  9. Stefaniuk G.V. Public assistance to the Ukrainians of Galicia during the Nazi “new order”. The struggle for Ukraine in 1943–1944: power, armed forces, society. Collection of scientific papers / resp. ed. O.E. Lysenko. K.: History of Ukraine Institute at the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Memorial Complex “National Museum of the Great Patriotic War History in 1941–1945”, Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine, 2014. P. 391–399.
  10. Stefanyuk G.V., Klonovskyi Yu.S. The Order of Jesuits activities in Stanislavov (1715–1946). Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. No. 27.
  11. Stefanyuk G.V., Klonovskyi Yu.S. Jesuit panegyrics as a source for studying the Society of Jesus activities in Stanislavov (1715-1773). Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2016. Issue 28. P. 182-188.
  12. Stefaniuk G.V. Social aspects of the Ukrainian independence movement during the Second World War. Materials of the 4th All-Ukrainian scientific conference “Problems of the Ukrainian liberation movement study in the 20th century (to the 75th anniversary of Polissia Sich and the 95th anniversary of the Second Winter Campaign)”, Zhytomyr, November 18-19, 2016. Collection of scientific papers. Zhytomyr, 2016. P. 88–92.
  13. Stefaniuk G.V. Social and economic aspects of the OUN(B) state-building ideas in the 40s and 50s in the 20th century. Halychyna: a scientific and cultural educational local history magazine. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2017. No. 29. P. 66–71.
  14. ​​Stefaniuk G.V. Labor exploitation of Eastern Galicia and Volhynia Ukrainians as a component of Nazi policy in 1941–1944. Lesya Ukrainka East European National University Scientific Bulletin. Historical sciences. 2018. No. 6 (379).
  15. Stefaniuk G.V. Taxation of the Galicia and Volhynia population during the years of German occupation (1941–1944). Lesya Ukrainka East European National University Scientific Bulletin. Historical sciences. 2019. No. 9 (393).
  16. Stefaniuk G.V. Wartime periodicals as a source for the study of the Eastern Galician society socio-legal situation in 1941–1944. Materials of the 2019 report scientific web conference of lecturers, doctoral students, post-graduate students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, April 6-8, 2020. Ivano-Frankivsk. Ivano-Frankivsk:. V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2020. P. 76-77.
  17. STEFANIUK G. Polish-Ukrainian relations during World War II: truth and scientific discourse. More divisions. Shared perspectives and goals in Polish-Ukrainian scientific cooperation. Monograph no. 19 Polish Association of Creative Teachers / Scientific editors Leszek Pawelski, Marek Rembierz. Szczecinek ‒ Dąbrowa Górnicza: Polish Association of Creative Teachers, 2021. S.405-418.
  1. Stefaniuk G.V. Sources for the study of ethnopolitical processes in the Halychyna district in 1941-1944. Socio-economic and political development of Eastern Europe countries (XVI-XXI centuries): materials collection of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference with international participation, May 11, 2023. Uman, 2023. S 83-87.
  2. Stefaniuk H.V. Preface. Timiv I.M., Andriychuk L.I. Kalush district during the German occupation of 1941–1944. Collection of documents and materials. Ivano-Frankivsk: Foliant, 2024. P. 4–5

  3. Stefaniuk H.V.  Memoir legacy of Volodymyr Kubiyovych as a source for studying his activities. Socio-economic and political development of the countries in Eastern Europe (XVI-XXI centuries): coll. of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference with international participation (Uman, May 9, 2024) Edited by: I. I. Kryvosheya, O. M. Skrypnyk, L. M. Fitsyk. Uman: P. Tychyna UDPU, 2024. P. 128–132.

  4. Stefaniuk H.V.  Implementation of the Nazis’ economic policy in the Halychyna district in 1941–1944. Ukraine through the prism of war. Collection of the All-Ukrainian conference materials. May 27, 2024 Ivano-Frankivsk: FOP Boichuk A.B., 2024. P. 110–115.
  5. Stefaniuk H.V.  Instructional and methodical materials on historical geography. Study guide for students of specialty 032 History and archeology. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. 132 p.

  6. Stefaniuk H.V. Sources from the history of Ukraine. Study guide for students of specialty 032 History and archeology. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. 132 p.

  7. Stefaniuk H.V. Museum studies: instructional and methodical materials, glossary and independent work. Study guide for students of specialty 032 “History and archeology”. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. 135 p.
  8. Stefaniuk H.V. Theory and methodology of scientific research and the basics of academic writing. Instructional and methodical materials for full-time and part-time students of specialty 014 “Secondary education (History)”. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2024. 152 p.
  9. Stefaniuk H.V. Methodological recommendations for the completion of a diploma thesis at the first (bachelor) level of higher education for students of specialty 032 “History and Archeology”. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2024. 62 p.
  10. Stefaniuk H.V. Higher education students’ academic virtue. Methodical guidelines for full-time and part-time students. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2024. 86 p.
  11. Komar V.L., Stefaniuk H.V. Methodical recommendations for course work completion by students of specialty 032 “History and Archeology”. Ivano-Frankivsk: PNU, 2024. 52 p.